AMA Survey: 5 Physician “Must-Haves” to Adopt Digital Health Tools

AMA Survey: 5 Physician “Must-Haves” to Adopt Digital Health Tools

September 26, 2016


Physicians are attracted to digital health tools they believe will improve current practices and impact patient care, according to a new survey released today by the American Medical Association (AMA). While there is broad-based optimism, physicians tell the AMA there are “must-haves” that digital health tools need to turn their enthusiasm into adoption.

“The AMA is dedicated to shaping a future when digital health tools are evidence based, validated, interoperable, and actionable,” said AMA Immediate Past President Steven J. Stack, M.D. in a statement “To make this prospect a reality in the near-term, the AMA is ensuring that physicians play a greater role in leading digital health innovations that expand the bounds of science, enhance patient care, shape a better health care system, and improve the health of the nation.”

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