
7 digital health innovations and investments for 2015

April 20, 2015

Via: Healthguy

The folks from HP Matter digital magazine wanted to know where I thought digital health startups, product innovators, and venture capital investors should be pointing their attention in 2015. These are some of my technology and healthcare predictions:

1.CMS’s request for information (RFI) on new primary care models bears innovative fruit.
2. Interoperability will move beyond talk and into sustainable business models and real technology. The healthcare ecosystem should be able to create lasting patient benefits.
3. Risk management, compliance, and cybersecurity technologies will become important as we migrate from paper native to digital native data.
4. EHR innovation starts to move beyond Meaningful Use (MU) by embracing the idea that MU is a floor for minimal functionality, not a ceiling for maximum value. Some of these innovations will be tied to CMS’s need for newer care models:

Mobile functionality in EHRs to help change the doctor/patient relationship to one that is more than transactional in nature
– Tech for increased comprehensiveness of, and patient continuity with, primary care
– Tech to support small PCP practices in transforming to advanced primary care

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