
EMR market to grow even without carrot

April 28, 2015


The $25 billion EMR market will continue to grow even after the government incentives for doctors and hospitals to go digital have vanished, according to an “EMR 2015: The Market for Electronic Medical Records”, a new report from research firm Kalorama Information.

“Expect a fair amount of competition and stable growth next few years, without incentives boosting the market”, said Bruce Carlson, publisher of Kalorama Information, in a statement. “Eventually, there will be market saturation, but this is a bit of a way off, especially in emerging markets”.

Moreover, Kalorama forecasts the market will continue to grow well past the period where there are incentives for healthcare providers. Penalties, system upgrades, international sales and continued efficiency improvements will grow the market 7 percent to 8 percent each year for the next five years, according to the report.

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