
Tag: prescribed opioids

Innovation, Patient Experience

Nearly 50% Of New Mothers In U.S. Prescribed Opioids During Last Decade, Study Finds

July 30, 2019

Via: Forbes

During the last decade, almost 50% of new mothers in the U.S. were prescribed opioids before or after delivery, according to results of a new study. The study also found that 1 in 75 new mothers were still taking opioids […]

Innovation, Research

Study finds alarmingly high rate of opioid prescriptions for osteoarthritis patients

July 8, 2019

Via: The Medical News

Opioids work against severe pain but the risks of side effects and addiction are high. In the USA alone, 26 people die every day from overdoses. Now researchers in an international collaboration have investigated how common opioid prescriptions are for […]