
Tag: predictive analytics


Healthcare AI May Already Be Reducing Physician Burnout

December 20, 2019

Via: EMR Thoughts

New research suggests that AI may already be offering – or at least seems well-positioned to offer—help with reducing physician burnout levels in addition to freeing up some of their time.­ The survey, which reached out to more than 900 […]


Lack of AI regulatory, clinical standards pose potential risks

February 22, 2019

Via: Health Data Management

While artificial intelligence promises to create actionable insights for clinicians to make better care decisions for patients, the regulations and standards for evaluating AI-based algorithms are lacking. That’s the contention of Ravi Parikh, MD, a fellow in hematology and oncology […]

Innovation, Med Tech

Cancer prediction tool combines machine learning, radiomics

February 15, 2019

Via: Health Data Management

Researchers at Mount Sinai and USC have developed a predictive framework that can distinguish between low- and high-risk prostate cancer. The prediction tool combines machine learning with radiomics, a branch of medicine that uses algorithms to extract large amounts of […]


Providers begin using AI to improve clinical decision making

January 22, 2019

Via: Health Data Management

Healthcare organizations across the country are beginning to cash in on early efforts in artificial intelligence and data visualization. First reports on initial efforts to use these advanced technologies show tantalizing potential. At Massachusetts General Hospital researchers have developed an […]


10 surprising uses for analytics in healthcare

August 28, 2018

Via: Health Data Management

Everyone is in on the analytics game, but not every organization has something to show for its efforts. Many providers are learning the hard way that implementing pricey tools doesn’t pay off unless there’s a clear plan to utilize insights […]


How will Amazon’s healthcare ventures affect you? 5 possibilities

April 6, 2018

Via: Healthcarebusinesstech

Amazon’s moves into the healthcare sector made waves in 2018, and there’s no telling what the company will do next or how it may shape the market. Being prepared for some major changes down the line can keep your hospital […]


Optum offers analytics service to help physicians treat at-risk patients

March 30, 2018

Via: Health Data Management

Optum, the healthcare business services arm of UnitedHealth Group, is making data available to healthcare providers working under at-risk contracts with health insurers to help doctors identify at-risk patients and engage them to improve health outcomes. The initiative also is […]


Use data analytics to maximize patient placement

March 22, 2018

Via: Healthcarebusinesstech

As your hospital grows and more patients seek care at your facility, managing patient placement and maximizing your capacity for care becomes a higher priority. One way to ensure patients can remain in your hospital for as long as they […]

Innovation, Med Tech

Algorithm identifies lung cancer patients who should have chemotherapy

March 12, 2018

Via: Health Data Management

Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Clinic are developing a computerized tissue imaging capability that uses predictive analytics to potentially help identify which lung cancer patients are likely to experience an earlier recurrence of the disease. The National Cancer […]


CDC influenza surveillance data confirms severity of flu season

February 12, 2018

Via: Health Data Management

As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to track this year’s severe flu season, initial data from the CDC’s national surveillance system indicates that the severity will be as high or higher than what was seen in the […]


FDA approves clinical platform that predicts patient deterioration

January 19, 2018

Via: Health Data Management

The Food and Drug Administration has approved a clinical monitoring platform that alerts hospital staff in near real time of a patient’s deteriorating condition using a predictive algorithm. The WAVE Clinical Platform from Excel Medical acts as an early warning […]


OIG: Medicare Fraud Prevention System needs improvement

October 4, 2017

Via: Health Data Management

Analysts using a system leveraging predictive analytics to identify improper Medicare fee-for-service claims need to improve the process for refining and enhancing its models, according to an audit by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General. […]


How Predictive Analytics Brings Operational Clarity to Healthcare

September 18, 2017

Via: HitConsultant

Editor’s Note: Rich Krueger is the CEO at Hospital IQ, a provider of analytic services and hospital management solutions. Prior to joining Hospital IQ, Rich was the founder and CEO of DynamicOps, a cloud automation software company that was acquired […]


Top healthcare analytics companies now and in the future

August 17, 2017

Via: FierceHealthcare

Healthcare analytics are gradually becoming more user-friendly thanks to advancements across the vendor community that prioritize real-time insights. But with healthcare organizations still straddling the line between fee-for-service payments and value-based care reimbursement, analytics companies are largely focused on helping providers […]


Analytics aid healthcare systems in cutting unnecessary blood use

August 10, 2017

Via: Health Data Management

Data analysis and other policies can help reduce blood utilization, enabling hospital systems to save money and helping them increase patient safety by reducing the likelihood of complications. A study by Premier, a group purchasing organization, found that analytics and […]


Predictive analytics seen as cost cutter by healthcare execs

July 28, 2017

Via: Health Data Management

A majority of executives in the healthcare industry say they believe predictive analytics will save their organizations money, according to a new report from the Society of Actuaries. The organization conducted a survey of 223 health payer and provider executives […]


How surveillance tools can support staff in improving care

July 21, 2017

Via: Health Data Management

With patient care, circumstances can change in an instant. The complexity is compounded for hospital nurses, who typically have several patients to care for at a time—thus, prioritizing care and managing patient populations can become rather difficult. This is where […]


Sanford Health outlines centralized approach for ‘prescriptive’ analytics

July 7, 2017

Via: FierceHealthcare

Eyeing the transition to value-based payment models, a midwestern health system reengineered its approach to data collection and analytics to provide clinicians with more actionable information. Executives at Sanford Health, headquartered in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, refer to this revamped […]


Informatics researchers combine algorithm with EHR data to predict secondary stroke risks

July 3, 2017

Via: FierceHealthcare

Stroke patients that experience an irregular heartbeat are far more susceptible to a second stroke. Identifying that risk factor often requires significant resources, including 24/7 monitoring by physicians. But a team of cardiologists and informatics researchers in Northern California has developed […]


For those that hold the keys to health data, analytics are the new commodity

June 16, 2017

Via: FierceHealthcare

As providers seek access to health data to inform clinical care, an industry of data collectors and disseminators has emerged. But some companies won’t last long unless they alter their business model to appease providers looking for analytics and clincial […]