
Tag: Hospital Impact

Innovation, Patient Experience

Hospital Impact—To improve patient engagement, leverage the power of digital content

August 10, 2017

Via: FierceHealthcare

Most medical offices have adopted the use of technology, online marketing and social media. They’ve also embraced content in the form of blog posts, videos, social shares and more. But while it’s not a new concept in the medical field, the […]


Hospital Impact—How to lead teams with purpose

July 27, 2017

Via: FierceHealthcare

Karen DeViller had a challenge. A site director at the Edmonton, Alberta-based East Edmonton Health Centre, she had been asked to lead a team that would launch a decentralized refugee health program to meet the needs of a complex population. […]


Hospital Impact: How to build execution into your new strategy

September 30, 2016

Via: FierceHealthcare

One of the many challenges facing today’s healthcare strategists involves convincing the C-suite and leadership teams, as well as the entire organization, to implement a new strategy. Even when the new idea is supported by abundant data and there are […]


Hospital Impact: Patient safety at risk when docs underprescribe opioids

August 5, 2016

Via: FierceHealthcare

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s new recommendations that strongly advise against the use of opioids for managing chronic pain have put hospitalists and other healthcare providers in the difficult position of turning to sometimes less effective treatment options. […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Hospital Impact: Care transformation demands consumer engagement

July 29, 2016

Via: FierceHealthcare

In January 2014, Maryland’s hospitals agreed to partner with the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation on a five-year experiment to test whether a shift in hospital focus from acute emergency care, surgeries and inpatient stays toward preventive, community-based care […]