
Category: Patient Experience

Innovation, Patient Experience

84% of Patients Would Participate in a Hospital-at-Home Program In Order To Get Home Sooner

June 13, 2024

Via: HitConsultant

The survey results are clear: a resounding 84% of respondents expressed a willingness to participate in HaH monitoring to recover at home rather than remain hospitalized. This preference aligns with the increasing popularity of HaH programs, with over 300 currently […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

How to reduce your patient acquisition costs

May 20, 2024

Via: Healthcare Dive

Patient acquisition cost (PAC) encompasses all the dollars your practice spends to find and acquire new patients. These costs are robust—factoring in everything from marketing to overhead expenses—and they add up quickly. PAC = (sales and marketing costs) / (number […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

The Digital Advantage: Augmenting the Healthcare Customer Experience

April 29, 2024

Via: HitConsultant

When interacting with industries such as retail, hospitality, and finance, we’ve all become accustomed to quick, effective, and personalized customer service. It’s no surprise that when it comes to healthcare, consumers are now seeking a better customer experience on par […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Confusion about Medicaid skewing coverage estimates, study finds

April 10, 2024

Via: Healthcare Dive

Medicaid enrollment skyrocketed to cover one in four Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic, as states agreed not to boot individuals off Medicaid in return for more generous federal funding. However, that agreement ended in April 2023, allowing states to once […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Five ways disconnected consent is impacting patient experiences

February 7, 2024

Via: Medical Device Network

One critical aspect of patient-provider interactions that often goes overlooked is consent. When consent management processes are disconnected or poorly managed, it can have a detrimental impact on patient experiences. With many healthcare providers managing multiple tech stacks across siloed […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Unlocking Patient Insights with Conversational AI in Healthcare

January 25, 2024

Via: HitConsultant

Healthcare leaders should champion human-AI collaboration by having people work with AI to validate insights and develop engagement strategies. Organizations can — and should — implement conversational AI because it allows leaders to identify actionable areas of change and protects […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

How Clinicians Navigate Drug-Drug Interactions to Protect Patients

January 16, 2024

Via: HitConsultant

Led by Dr. Michael Weiner and Dr. Alissa Russ-Jara, the research team meticulously analyzed doctors’ thought processes while navigating potential drug interactions. Their work focused on “positive cases,” instances where doctors successfully identified and mitigated an interaction risk. This deep […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Can Family Doctors Deliver Rural America From Its Maternal Health Crisis?

January 2, 2024

Via: Kaiser Health News

Zita Magloire carefully adjusted a soft measuring tape across Kenadie Evans’ pregnant belly. Determining a baby’s size during a 28-week obstetrical visit is routine. But Magloire, a family physician trained in obstetrics, knows that finding the mother’s uterus and, thus, […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Rethinking How We Treat Dually Diagnosed Patients

December 29, 2023

Via: HitConsultant

One of the most pressing and often overlooked challenges in healthcare today is how to reach and effectively treat dually diagnosed patients — commonly, individuals who grapple with both mental health problems and substance use issues. According to the Substance […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

4 Ways to Boost the Patient Experience Using Digital Check-ins

December 28, 2023

Via: HitConsultant

Finding a frustrated patient sitting in a waiting room has become familiar. Three and a half years after the pandemic’s start, the medical field is still feeling the ripple effects. Burnout and staffing shortages plague offices nationwide, causing tasks to […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

A data-led look at the booming remote patient monitoring market

December 22, 2023

Via: Medical Device Network

One of the most significant advances in healthcare has been the rise of remote patient monitoring (RPM) technologies. Its integration into routine care practices has the potential to not only improve patient outcomes but also revolutionise the entire healthcare landscape, […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Optimizing the Patient Experience Throughout the Care Journey

December 12, 2023

Via: Health IT Answers

As the patient experience in healthcare evolves to mirror that of retail industries, it has become more essential for providers to provide patients with engaging and convenient tools throughout the care journey. For example, providers should take steps to ensure […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Patient Preferences with Social Needs Information Sharing

November 8, 2023

Via: Health IT Answers

Screening for patients’ health-related social needs can help providers more effectively coordinate patient care and connect patients to the resources they need. Social needs are social conditions—such as food insecurity, housing instability, and lack of reliable transportation—which often result from […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Medicare Advantage Bait and Switch

October 16, 2023

Via: Health IT Answers

I have one quid pro quo in my life: I won’t tell you what to do if you don’t tell me what to do. I won’t tell you what to do, how to do it and when to do it, […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Expectation vs. Reality: Improving the Patient Payment Experience

October 6, 2023

Via: HitConsultant

If you’ve ever worked behind the scenes at a provider organization, you likely gained a deep understanding of what makes medical practices tick, giving you the ability to make fairly accurate assumptions about how patients will probably behave in different […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Identity and Patient Matching

September 28, 2023

Via: Health IT Answers

As I mentioned in my introduction, patient matching doesn’t work terribly effectively today. The problem has its root in the identity challenges we have been discussing, although it is important to separate the patient matching challenge from trust-in-identity – these […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Telehealth satisfaction higher among younger patients, survey finds

September 28, 2023

Via: Healthcare Dive

Telehealth use soared during the COVID-19 pandemic as patients avoided healthcare facilities to avoid infection, spurred on by new regulatory flexibilities. Though utilization has dropped from its pandemic highs, telehealth is here to stay, particularly for routine and mental healthcare, […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Epineuron enrols first patient in nerve regeneration study

August 31, 2023

Via: Medical Device Network

Epineuron has enrolled the first patient in a trial investigating its PeriPulse device for the treatment of acute peripheral nerve injury. The Ontario, Canada-based company plans to enrol a total of 110 patients across Canada and the US in the […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

A Move to Cut Drug Prices Has Patients With Rare Diseases Worried

August 30, 2023

Via: Kaiser Health News

For people with cystic fibrosis, like Sabrina Walker, Trikafta has been a life-changer. Before she started taking the drug, she would wind up in the hospital for weeks at a time until antibiotics could eliminate the infections in her lungs. […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

One in five women report being mistreated while in maternity care, CDC finds: ‘We must do better’

August 25, 2023

Via: Fox News

As many as one in five women have experienced some degree of mistreatment while in maternity care, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The new statistic appeared in the CDC’s “Vital Signs” […]