
Tag: Summer


One in two people put their eye health at risk during summer, says eye research charity

August 10, 2018

Via: The Medical News

Leading eye research charity Fight for Sight says that one in two people is putting their eye health at risk during sunny weather by not always wearing ultraviolet (UV) protective sunglasses to protect their eyes. A YouGov poll conducted on […]

Editorial, Wellness

Do you really know what hyponatremia is?

August 17, 2016

Via: Kelly Redmond

With the summer stretching out in front of us, it may be useful to note that there is such a thing as drinking too much water. When the online media dubbed hyponatremia as water intoxication, they actually considered just one […]


The Science of Why You Crave Comfort Food

July 30, 2015

Via: time health

In mid-July, I was visiting my hometown in Minnesota when I happened upon the unmistakable scent of something deep-fried. I was at a concert, and no matter how off-brand a dietary choice of corn dogs and cheese curds may be […]


Your Summer Sun Eye-Q

July 7, 2015

Via: HuffingtonPost Healthy Living

  The sun supports all life on our planet. But the sun’s life-giving rays can also pose danger to our health if adequate protection of skin and eyes isn’t taken. Solar radiation is a health concern no matter what the […]