
Tag: students

Innovation, Research

Researchers receive grant to study the development of science identity among underrepresented students

October 11, 2021

Via: The Medical News

The social, economic, and health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have disproportionately affected underserved populations in the United States, including racially minoritized students, lower-income students, and females. These populations have also been historically underrepresented and underserved in the science, technology, […]


COVID-19 vaccination status among US college students

September 24, 2021

Via: The Medical News

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has been caused by the rapid outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Vaccination programs have commenced in many countries, but recently, there has been a slowing of vaccination among some […]


Public favors masks in classrooms but balks at mandating vaccinations for students

August 11, 2021

Via: The Medical News

As the spread of the delta variant threatens the safety of classrooms, a poll released Wednesday found nearly two-thirds of parents support schools’ requiring unvaccinated students age 5 or older and teachers to wear masks. A majority of parents, however, […]


Trump pushes universities to continue reopening amid a string of campus coronavirus outbreaks

August 19, 2020


President Donald Trump urged universities to continue reopening their campuses on Wednesday, even as some institutions across the country report clusters of coronavirus outbreaks among their students. “We have learned one thing, there’s nothing like campus there’s nothing like being […]


U.S. students get sicker from the coronavirus than kids in other countries, are at ‘higher risk,’ Dr. Scott Gottlieb says

July 13, 2020


Children in the U.S. are more likely than kids in other countries to have underlying conditions that place them at an increased risk of becoming severely sick with Covid-19, complicating the U.S. debate over how and whether to reopen schools […]


College students are sleeping better during COVID-19 stay-at-home orders

June 11, 2020

Via: The Medical News

The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting stay-at-home orders have taken a toll on many facets of physical and mental health in recent months. But according to new University of Colorado Boulder research, one silver lining may exist. Some of us are […]


Nursing, medical students learn teamwork with virtual teammates

July 22, 2015

Via: Sciencedaily Health

The Institute of Medicine has identified interprofessional education (IPE) as a key innovation for achieving the triple aim of better care, better outcomes and reduced health care costs. Yet, a shortage of qualified faculty and difficulty with aligning learners’ schedules […]