
Tag: republicans


Americans view healthcare policy as top concern, above tax reform and terrorism

December 28, 2017

Via: HealthcareITnews

As 2017 draws to a close, a new poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, found that healthcare worries both Democrat and Republican citizens. That includes hospital employees and patients all over the United States. The […]


Tax reform and health policy should be linked — just not via the individual mandate

December 11, 2017


As Republicans come to grips with the ramifications of their tax legislation, it is becoming clear that any hope of a revenue-neutral and conservative tax reform is fading. Complicating matters further, Republicans have combined health policy and tax reform in […]


Republicans face a new moment of truth on Obamacare

October 18, 2017


Republicans in Washington have reached a new moment of truth on Obamacare — and not about whether they can repeal it. This time, it’s about whether an all-Republican government can accept political limits, allow bipartisan compromise and protect citizens from […]


House Republicans win delay in case to end ACA cost-sharing subsidies

December 6, 2016

Via: Modern Healthcare

A federal appeals court has granted House Republicans a delay in their lawsuit seeking to halt certain federal payments to health plans under the Affordable Care Act. That delay buys time for the Trump administration to find a way to […]