
Tag: relaxation


Brief massage can significantly boost mental and physical relaxation

September 11, 2020

Via: The Medical News

Allowing yourself a few minutes of downtime significantly boosts mental and physical relaxation. Research by psychologists at the University of Konstanz observed higher levels of psychological and physiological relaxation in people after only ten minutes of receiving a massage. Even […]


25% of those who meditate report negative experiences

May 20, 2019

Via: Medical News Today

The research, which features in PLOS ONE, revealed that more than a quarter of people who meditate sometimes come away having had an adverse experience. Researchers at University College London (UCL) in the United Kingdom, Witten/Herdecke University in Germany, and […]


Here’s the Real Reason You’re Not Getting Seven Hours of Sleep

August 3, 2015

Via: HuffingtonPost Healthy Living

You’ve done the impossible. You’ve shut your devices, learned how to meditate, stretched into downward-dog and cut out double-shot espressos. You’ve said “no” to late night social activities and you’ve ruled out possible sleep disorders. After sipping chamomile tea, you […]