
Tag: productivity


Is The 5 A.M. Productivity Trend Healthy? Here’s Who Shouldn’t Do It.

October 13, 2023

Via: HuffPost

From Oprah Winfrey to Apple’s Tim Cook, some of the world’s most successful people wake up early to start tackling tasks. Productive morning routines are so highly associated with success that leadership expert Robin Sharma wrote about the strategy in […]


7 Mistakes You’re Making In The Morning That Ruin Your Productivity

March 5, 2021

Via: HuffPost

It has been impossible for many of us to feel productive since the COVID-19 pandemic began, which makes total sense. We’re just trying to get through the days while so many routines and norms are still totally out of whack. […]


Wellness Programs: A Must-Have?

September 16, 2019

Via: James Hughes

Our everyday activities are shaping a world ready to keep up with the continuous evolution of the digital era. It is only natural that the needs of employee change in the process, and big companies are aware of it. In […]


Does it matter what time of day you exercise?

April 29, 2019

Via: Medical News Today

Scientists already know that the circadian rhythm interacts with our metabolism. A person’s circadian rhythm includes physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a cycle of 24 hours. These behavioral patterns develop in response to light and darkness and relate […]

Innovation, Research

Napping may be as good as drugs for lowering blood pressure

March 13, 2019

Via: Medical News Today

When the afternoon slump hits in the middle of a busy workday, many of us may feel tempted to catch some shut-eye in a quiet corner. Daytime napping can definitely help boost our energy levels and productivity for the rest […]

Innovation, Research

Will drinking coffee prolong your life?

August 1, 2018

Via: Medical News Today

Emerging evidence has been pointing to the protective effects that coffee can have over a person’s health. This favorite beverage keeps many a student and employee perky and productive, so it is great to think that drinking it can bring […]


Why More Sleep Equals More Money

January 19, 2018

Via: Sofia Allende

Who would have thought that more sleep could lead to bigger incomes? Time Use and Productivity: The Wage Returns to Sleep is a research conducted by economists Matthew Gibson and Jeffrey Shrader investigating the impact of sleep on productivity and […]


Winter Is Coming – How to Stay Healthy & Productive at Work

November 3, 2017

Via: Sophia Allende

Brace yourself because winter is coming! And we’re not just talking about the latest Game of Thrones series, we’re talking about that time of the year when seasons start to click and autumn, with all its glory and sun-kissed shades, […]


Sleeping 101: How Much Sleep Do We Actually Need

October 12, 2017

Via: Sofia Allende

How often do you blame yourself for not getting eight hours of sleep every night? You know it’s detrimental to your health, at least that’s what countless doctors and physicians claim, but you simply do not have the luxury to […]


4 ways to improve productivity in healthcare

November 3, 2016

Via: FierceHealthcare

The industry-wide movement from volume- to value-based care and alternative payment models will require organizations to find new ways to increase productivity. “Increasing productivity is a survival skill in healthcare today,” writes healthcare futurist Joe Flower in a post for […]