
Tag: Information


3 steps to make your EHR more user-friendly

March 7, 2016

Via: Healthcarebusinesstech

Making electronic health records (EHR) systems more user-friendly for physicians has been a significant challenge for many facilities. But it’s an issue that your hospital needs to address directly. Providers who aren’t comfortable with entering information in an EHR are […]


Communication essential for healthcare to survive cyberattacks reputation intact

February 16, 2016

Via: HealthcareITnews

A breach-filled 2015 showed healthcare is at major risk for cyberattacks, a situation experts say makes it more important for health organizations to have plans in place to deal with the aftermath of a security crisis. Nicole Miller, senior vice […]

Med Tech

Achieving the Promise of Health Information Technology

July 28, 2015

Via: Innovation -

The US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) is led by Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Ranking Member Patty Murray (D-WA) and is comprised of 22 Senators; 12 Republicans and 10 Democrats. Under their leadership, the Committee is […]


New research may aid in treatment of vision problems like lazy eye

July 27, 2015

Via: The Medical News

If you have two working eyes, you are live streaming two images of the world into your brain. Your brain combines the two to produce a view of the world that appears as though you had a single eye — […]


Persistent enlarged lymph glands in the neck may indicate cancer

April 27, 2015

Via: Regulatory

Referring patients with unexplained swollen neck glands for specialist investigations could help to avoid some of the thousands of deaths each year from lymphoma, a type of cancer. New research led by the University of Exeter Medical School, published today […]