
Tag: immune system


Drinking carrot juice could boost immune system and reduce inflammation, say researchers

December 14, 2023

Via: Fox News

Adding carrot juice to your daily nutrition routine could help promote better health. A small study published in the journal Nutrients this month found that drinking carrot juice could help boost the immune system and reduce inflammation. Researchers from the […]


Americans Face Worst Health Outcomes Among Developed Countries

March 3, 2023

Via: Natalie Dunn

As confirmed in a new study by the Commonwealth Fund, Americans now face the worst health outcomes of all developed countries. The US also has the highest healthcare spending among these high-income nations, both per person and as GDP share. […]

Innovation, Research

The Bubonic Plague influenced evolution of the human immune system, new study suggests

October 20, 2022

Via: Fox News

Centuries after the Black Death ravaged the medieval world, the genetic legacy of the disease still affects people to this day, according to a new study. The genes that may have helped individuals survive the Bubonic Plague during the 14th […]

Innovation, Research

How Omicron dodges the immune system

July 6, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

The current wave of COVID-19 highlights a particularly high risk of reinfection by the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2. Why is this? A team from the Centre for Emerging Viral Diseases of the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and of the Geneva […]

Innovation, Research

How genetics influence immunity in patients with type 1 diabetes

June 7, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

New insights into how genetic factors affect the body’s immune response in type 1 diabetes have been published in eLife. The findings provide evidence of a direct link between genetic factors associated with susceptibility to type 1 diabetes and immune […]

Innovation, Research

T cell warriors need their R & R

May 27, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

T cells, biology textbooks teach us, are the soldiers of the immune system, constantly on the ready to respond to a variety of threats, from viruses to tumors. However, without rest and maintenance T cells can die and leave their […]

Biomarker, Innovation

Genetic test can diagnose certain immune system disorders

May 23, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

Primary immunodeficiency disorders (PID) can result in chronic and sometimes life-threatening infections. More than 450 PIDs have been described, but timely and accurate diagnoses remain a challenge. In a new study in The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, published by Elsevier, […]

Innovation, Research

Antibiotics can lead to fungal infection because of disruption to the gut’s immune system

May 13, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

Patients prescribed antibiotics in hospital are more likely to get fungal infections because of disruption to the immune system in the gut, according to a new study from the University of Birmingham and National Institutes of Health. Using immune-boosting drugs […]

Innovation, Research

How one inflammatory disorder exacerbates another

April 27, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

The immune system remembers. Often this memory, primed by past encounters with threats like bacteria or viruses, is an asset. But when that memory is sparked by internal drivers, like chronic inflammation, it can prove detrimental, perpetuating a misguided immune […]

Innovation, Research

Regulating the regulators of the immune system

April 19, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

Checkpoint inhibitors have become important tools in the cancer-fighting arsenal. By blocking proteins that normally restrain the immune response, these drugs can help the immune system destroy cancer cells. But they don’t work in all patients. And now a new […]

Innovation, Research

How to rejuvenate the immune system of elderly people and reduce their risk of infectious disease

April 11, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

A new study, led by researchers from the University of California, Irvine, identifies a reason for why older adults are significantly more susceptible to infectious diseases than younger people, a critical societal issue most recently exemplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

Biomarker, Innovation

Programming the immune system to supercharge cancer cell therapies

March 16, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

The first FDA-approved gene therapies are living drugs: immune cells taken from cancer patients engineered to target tumor cells. However, for many patients, these advanced therapies do not result in a long-lasting remission. Now, scientists at the New York Genome […]

Innovation, Research

The immune system is very complicated, but now, it’s on a chip

March 15, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

To quote veteran science writer Ed Yong’s simple yet extremely accurate words in The Atlantic, “The immune system is very complicated.” As the COVID-19 pandemic had made abundantly clear, science still doesn’t fully understand the sophisticated defense mechanisms that protect […]

Biomarker, Innovation

Unexpected findings detailed in new portrait of HIV

February 16, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

Using powerful tools and techniques developed in the field of structural biology, researchers at the University of Washington and The Scripps Research Institute have discovered new details about the human immunodeficiency virus, HIV. The findings bring into focus the basic […]

Innovation, Research

Important step towards fasting-based therapies

February 8, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

Previous studies have shown how fasting can influence the immune system to improve different chronic inflammatory conditions, but little is known about how immune responses might determine a healthy metabolism. Since the liver is a central hub and regulator of […]

Innovation, Research

Human immune system uses ancient family of cell death proteins also found in bacteria

January 13, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

The human immune system, that marvel of complexity, subtlety, and sophistication, includes a billion-year-old family of proteins used by bacteria to defend themselves against viruses, scientists at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and in Israel have discovered. The findings, published online today […]

Biomarker, Innovation

Alzheimer’s: Inflammatory markers are conspicuous at an early stage

January 12, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

Long before the onset of dementia, there is evidence for increased activity of the brain’s immune system. Researchers from DZNE and the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) come to this conclusion based on a study of more than 1,000 older adults. […]

Innovation, Research

Scientists find new details about how immune system builds long-term memory

December 16, 2021

Via: ScienceDaily

Experts in Japan have identified a fundamental part of the immune system’s long-term memory, providing a useful new detail in the pursuit to design better vaccines for diseases, ranging from COVID-19 to malaria. The research, published in the Journal of […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Outcomes for hospitalized COVID-19 patients taking immunosuppressive medications similar to non-immunosuppressed patients, study finds

November 17, 2021

Via: ScienceDaily

A large, nationwide study of COVID-19 cases led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has found that people taking medications that suppress the immune system — for example, to prevent transplant rejection or to treat […]

Innovation, Research

Mito warriors: Scientists discover how T cell assassins reload their weapons to kill and kill again

October 14, 2021

Via: ScienceDaily Health

Cambridge researchers have discovered how T cells — an important component of our immune system — are able keep on killing as they hunt down and kill cancer cells, repeatedly reloading their toxic weapons. Cytotoxic T cells are specialist white […]