
Tag: immune cells

Innovation, Research

Immune cells anchored in tissues offer unique defenses against pathogens and cancers

June 29, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

Researchers have gained ground in understanding unique immune cells equipped to remember the identities of malicious invaders. The researchers developed a new atlas that describes tissue-resident memory T cells in diverse tissue settings, boosting the prospects of the development of […]

Biomarker, Innovation

Study reveals cause, potential precision therapies for aggressive type of lymphoma

May 25, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

DNA mutations are essential to the rapid development of an array of antibody-producing immune cells called B cells that collectively can recognize a vast number of specific targets. But this process can go awry in people with a mutation in […]

Innovation, Research

Key signaling pathway in immune cells could be new Alzheimer’s target

April 14, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

Inhibiting an important signaling pathway in brain-resident immune cells may calm brain inflammation and thereby slow the disease process in Alzheimer’s and some other neurodegenerative diseases, suggests a study by Weill Cornell Medicine investigators. The findings point to the possibility […]

Innovation, Research

New study reveals how the lung’s immune cells develop after birth

January 12, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

From our first breath, our lungs are exposed to microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses. Thanks to immune cells in the lungs, so-called macrophages, we are protected from most infections at an early age. In a new study published in […]

Innovation, Research

Can a human microglial atlas guide brain disorder research?

January 6, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

Certain subtle differences in DNA sequences are known to raise the chances a person may develop Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. Some of these differences may work by altering the genetic activity of microglia, the brain’s immune cells. Those are just […]

Innovation, Research

Mechanism that helps immune cells to invade tissues

January 6, 2022

Via: ScienceDaily

To fight infections and heal injuries, immune cells need to enter tissue. They also need to invade tumors to fight them from within. Scientists have now discovered how immune cells protect their sensitive insides as they squeeze between tissue cells. […]

Innovation, Research

Targeting the brain’s immune cells may help prevent or treat Alzheimer’s disease

December 1, 2021

Via: ScienceDaily

A gene mutation linked to Alzheimer’s disease alters a signaling pathway in certain immune cells of individuals with the disease, according to a new study by scientists at Weill Cornell Medicine. The team also found that blocking the pathway — […]

Innovation, Research

Macrophages play a vital role in re-establishing and controlling blood flow after tissue damage

April 23, 2021

Via: The Medical News

Cardiovascular disease, the most common cause of death, is the result of oxygen deprivation as blood perfusion to affected tissue is prevented. To halt the development of the disease and to promote healing, re-establishment of blood flow is crucial. Researchers […]

Innovation, Research

Researchers determine the atomic structure of protein that helps coronavirus to evade immune cells

January 12, 2021

Via: The Medical News

A team of HIV researchers, cellular biologists, and biophysicists who banded together to support COVID-19 science determined the atomic structure of a coronavirus protein thought to help the pathogen evade and dampen response from human immune cells. The structural map […]

Innovation, Research

Immune cells are responding to Covid six months after infection, study finds

November 3, 2020


Cellular, or “T-cell,” immunity against Covid-19 is likely to be present within most adults six months after primary infection, a new study said. Research by the U.K. Coronavirus Immunology Consortium (UK-CIC), Public Health England and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust […]

Biomarker, Innovation

Engineered killer immune cells target tumors and their immunosuppressive allies

July 7, 2020

Via: ScienceDaily Health

The engineered cell therapy could be used as an alternative approach for treating cancer in patients for whom previous immunotherapy based on the activation of T cells has failed. These findings are reported by researchers at the U.S. National Institutes […]

Innovation, Research

Immune cells infiltrating tumors may play bigger cancer role than previously thought

June 22, 2020

Via: ScienceDaily Health

The study, published June 10, 2020 in PLoS Biology, is the first to uncover the role a molecule called IRE1α plays in determining whether macrophages promote inflammation in the tissues surrounding cancer cells — a region known as the tumor […]

Innovation, Research

Immune cells could help kill cancer cells, finds study

January 8, 2020

Via: The Medical News

In a new study, researchers from UCL Cancer Institute have found that a subset of immune cells are capable of killing cancer cells when they are activated. This could lay the foundation stone for effective anti-cancer therapies believe the researchers. […]

Innovation, Research

High-salt diet blocks tumor growth in mice

June 7, 2019

Via: Medical News Today

More and more studies have been pointing to the pro-inflammatory effects of excessive salt intake. For instance, multiple sclerosis and inflammatory bowel diseases are only some of the autoimmune conditions that a high-salt intake can exacerbate by overstimulating immune reactions. […]

Innovation, Research

Immune cells key to predicting outcomes in cancer patients, study suggests

April 8, 2019

Via: The Medical News

Scientists have identified key changes in immune cells within cancerous tumors that could help improve the development of treatments. The study also found a set of genes that are expressed at high levels in breast cancer tumors and linked to […]

Innovation, Research

Study reveals how the microbiota controls activity of immune cells

March 8, 2019

Via: The Medical News

A host protein called Serum Amyloid A (Saa) is a major factor mediating the effects of the microbiota on the function of immune cells called neutrophils, according to a study published March 7 in the open-access journal PLOS Pathogens by […]

Innovation, Research

Researchers create new map of the brain’s own immune system

February 19, 2019

Via: The Medical News

Versatile immune cells in the brain serve diverse functions / Changes in course of multiple sclerosis mapped for first time / Study in journal Nature refutes textbook opinion A team of researchers under the direction of the Medical Center – […]

Innovation, Research

‘Reprogramming’ immune cells to attack cancer tumors

January 22, 2019

Via: Medical News Today

Immunotherapy is a type of treatment that focuses on boosting the body’s own immune response against cancer tumors. This type of therapy has become more popular over the past few years, and researchers have made it a priority to understand […]

Innovation, Research

Cancer and obesity: Clogged immune cells help explain link

November 13, 2018

Via: Medical News Today

Obesity is at an all-time high in the United States. According to the National Institutes of Health, two-thirds of adults in the U.S. are either obese or overweight. Obesity increases the risk of developing a number of health conditions, including […]