
Tag: Hospital Management

Innovation, Patient Experience

Keys to fostering a ‘no excuse’ culture of accountability at your hospital

February 22, 2018

Via: Healthcarebusinesstech

Creating a culture of accountability among your employees can significantly improve patient care and your hospital’s operations, but the process of doing so is easier said than done. Start by setting an appropriate example for your staff and emphasizing an […]


2018 healthcare predictions

December 26, 2017

Via: Healthcarebusinesstech

Technology-based innovation is advancing at a pace many healthcare providers struggle to maintain. At the same time, patients are demanding more convenience and engagement. In order to provide clear value, providers must focus on enhancing the patient experience. In this […]

Innovation, Medical Devices

Regular testing is needed to safeguard hospital equipment

December 27, 2016

Via: Healthcarebusinesstech

We all know the disastrous results of faulty or inaccurate equipment: problems with patients can be missed or misread, and costly inquiries can ensue. In fact, a British Medical Journal study found that one in four operating room errors are […]


Tips For Young Healthcare Executives Managing Older Experienced Staff

February 3, 2016

Via: Hospital EMR and EHR

These days, it is not uncommon to see fresher and younger talents tackle management positions and working together with the more experienced and older colleagues. The number of executives that hold high corporate ranks while still in their 20s-30s has […]

Patient Experience, TECH

The digital hospital: Meeting demands of active, tech-savy consumers

August 5, 2015

Via: Information management

Healthcare is undergoing a transformation that’s driven by a fundamental shift in the expectations of patients. In this guest post, Brendan Ziolo, head of large enterprise strategy at an IP networking, ultra-broadband access and cloud technology company, gives hospital executives […]

Patient Experience

4 keys to reducing patient wait times

July 6, 2015

Via: Information management

Patients sometimes wait hours for treatment. To provide better care to patients, it’s crucial to reduce their wait times at the hospital, particularly in the emergency department (ED). It’s no secret that patients who are seen ASAP have better outcomes […]


Your next breach risk could be your email

May 4, 2015

Via: Information management

The feds have released guidance to providers on how to protect patient data — but a recent breach shows why training staff may be the most crucial step. After two of the biggest breaches of patients’ protected health information (PHI) […]

Patient Experience

Feds rate hospitals based on patient satisfaction

April 21, 2015

Via: Information management

Hospitals are used to receiving star ratings from organizations like the Leapfrog Group or Consumer Reports. Now you can add the feds to the mix. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has just released its new five-star ratings […]


Hospitals ban workers from smoking

April 17, 2015

Via: Information management

Inspired by a commitment toward health, many hospitals have policies stating their campuses are smoke-free. Staff, patients and their families are forbidden from smoking on hospital grounds. Some have taken this further, though – and there’s a serious debate over […]