

Innovation, Med Tech

New Study Brings A Wake-Up Call for Healthcare Industry to Modernize Software Testing

June 15, 2023

Via: Health IT Answers

In the fast-paced realm of healthcare, where cutting-edge technology and patient well-being converge, staying ahead of the curve is a matter that impacts millions of lives. One area that demands urgent attention is software testing – in the survey conducted […]

Innovation, Med Tech

5 Digital Health Executives Share Their Key Takeaways from HIMSS23

April 27, 2023

Via: HitConsultant

I was pleased with the robust turnout at HIMSS this year; it does seem like the healthcare industry is making up for the lost time from the pandemic. The topics that dominated the conference included teasing out the nuanced approach […]


HIMSS Delivers 9 Recommendations for Strengthening Primary Healthcare

August 8, 2022

Via: HitConsultant

This week, The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) responded to a Request for Information (RFI) from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health on the HHS Initiative to Strengthen Primary Healthcare. The letter submitted on 8/1 calls […]

EHR & EMR, Regulatory

ONC, CMS set their sights on reducing EHR clinical burden

March 8, 2018

Via: Health Data Management

With physicians spending more time entering data into electronic health records and less time engaged in direct patient care, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT is making the streamlining of the EHR documentation process and reduction of […]

EHR & EMR, News

EHRs get most blame for epidemic of physician burnout

March 7, 2018

Via: Health Data Management

The problem of physician burnout is affecting about 50 percent of practicing doctors, and electronic health records are squarely to blame, according to Michael Hodgkins, MD, CMIO at the American Medical Association. A major contributing factor to this professional dissatisfaction […]


Google announces Cloud Healthcare API to unlock health data

March 6, 2018

Via: Health Data Management

Search engine giant Google on Monday announced a new cloud-based application programming interface aimed at addressing the interoperability challenges that continue to dog the healthcare industry. Google’s Cloud Healthcare API is meant to extract data from electronic health records and […]


Healthcare Orgs May Be Ramping Up Cybersecurity Efforts

August 21, 2017

Via: EmrAndHipaa

As I’ve noted (too) many times in the past, healthcare organizations don’t have a great track record when it comes to cybersecurity. Compared to other industries, healthcare organizations spend relatively little on IT security overall, and despite harangues from people […]


CMS proposal relaxes EHR reporting requirements

April 18, 2017

Via: FierceHealthcare

A new proposed payment rule issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services would ease up on EHR reporting requirements over the next two years. The new rule, issued on Friday, follows recent calls from providers and the health […]


CVS Opens Digital Innovation Lab in Boston

June 19, 2015

Via: Healthcare Informatics

CVS Health has announced the official opening of its Digital Innovation Lab in Boston, with the aim to develop digital services and personalized capabilities that offer an accessible and integrated personal pharmacy and health experience. According to CVS officials, primary […]


My Overall View of Healthcare IT After HIMSS15

April 17, 2015

Via: EHR & EMR -

As I fly home from HIMSS15 (literally), I’ve been thinking how to summarize my annual visit to the mecca of healthcare IT conferences we know as HIMSS. I’ve seen a bunch of numbers around attendance and exhibitors and I believe […]


Are patient portals effective at engaging patients?

April 17, 2015

Via: Information management

A new survey shows patient engagement will be a major issue for hospital leaders. But another recent study shows getting patients involved in their care will take more than just a patient portal. Patient engagement is quickly becoming a major […]