
Tag: healthcare services


Cost of Healthcare Services

September 27, 2023

Via: Health IT Answers

Without taking time to think about an answer, what first comes to mind when asked where the cost for healthcare services is the highest? In or connected to a hospital is the usual answer. Is that the correct answer? It […]


The American healthcare system is broken — here’s what we can do to fix it

October 26, 2022

Via: Healthcare Dive

The United States is amid a major demographic shift that is testing the limits of an already strained healthcare system, with Americans living longer and requiring more extensive healthcare services than past generations. Improving access to primary care is a […]


How COVID-19 Changed the Future of Healthcare

January 7, 2022

Via: Natalie Dunn

The emergence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that provoked the COVID-19 pandemic, was bound to change not only the daily lives of people around the world but also the future of different industries. The disruption in the healthcare industry was greater […]


How Mobile Telehealth Will Help With Vaccine Administration

December 2, 2021

Via: Health IT Answers

The spread of misinformation is one of the primary reasons for the lack of trust in vaccines. With COVID-19 especially, false information has spread like wildfire, leading to extreme wariness and vaccine avoidance. However, while digital media has contributed to […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

How Should Healthcare be Delivered?

October 29, 2021

Via: Health IT Answers

How should patients be able to access healthcare services? The question is becoming more nuanced given the growth and expansion of telehealth. Prior to COVID-19 driving the implementation of telehealth, access to healthcare services had largely been the same for […]


Price Transparency: Challenges and Solutions for Hospitals

January 27, 2020

Via: HITECH Answers

The call for healthcare price transparency is growing louder, with seemingly obvious benefits. Patients, knowing what they’ll owe, can make informed decisions about their care and how they’ll pay for it. Providers can build trusting relationships and increase the likelihood […]


U.S. Prices For Healthcare Services Far Outpace Peer Nations

January 15, 2020

Via: Forbes

As Democratic presidential candidates debate the state of U.S. healthcare, a common theme is the high cost of the system. Senator Bernie Sanders (I – Vermont), in particular, has made the claim that the U.S. spends twice as much on […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Uber And Cerner In Deal To Ease Medical Transportation

October 28, 2019

Via: Forbes

Uber and Cerner, an electronic health record firm, are partnering to help alleviate patients’ transportation barriers to healthcare services. Uber Health, the healthcare business of the ride-sharing giant, said Monday it will work with Cerner’s clients, which include hospitals and […]


Patient balances after care continue steady rise

July 2, 2018

Via: Health Data Management

The amounts that patients pay for healthcare services, after insurers settle with providers, continues to march upward, in part leading healthcare organizations to improve capabilities to handle new pressures on revenue cycle management. A recent study of patient balances after […]