
Tag: healthcare providers


Administrative Simplification Provisions of HIPAA

November 22, 2022

Via: Health IT Answers

The HIPAA Administrative Simplification provisions are in place to provide consistency in electronic communications within healthcare for Protected Health Information (PHI). These mandate the usage of standard transactions, code sets, and identifiers for the United States healthcare system. Who Must […]

Innovation, Med Tech

Why Data Transparency Is the Most Important Metric for Healthcare Providers Right Now

November 10, 2022

Via: HitConsultant

Healthcare providers all over the world are battling with how to take patient information and patient care digital. How can we use the tools and technology at our fingertips to make treating patients easier and more effective, rather than more […]


VA, EHR implementation facing patient data, access concerns, audit finds

May 12, 2022

Via: Healthcare Dive

The purpose of the joint VA and DOD audit was to see how well implementing the common EHR is helping data exchange between the departments and healthcare providers. The DOD and VA acquired Cerner’s EHR in 2015 and 2018, respectively, […]


Improving Access to Healthcare

August 30, 2021

Via: Natalie Dunn

Worldwide, healthcare systems are still struggling to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and the crisis that followed its onset. With vaccine rollouts now underway in most countries and restrictions also beginning to be eased, the pandemic seems to be nearing its […]


Remote Patient Monitoring – #HITsm Chat Topic

June 9, 2020

Via: EMR Thoughts

We’re excited to share the topic and questions for this week’s #HITsm chat happening Friday, 6/12 at Noon ET (9 AM PT). This week’s chat will be hosted by hosted by Lygeia Ricciardi (@Lygeia) and Ashley Dauwer (@amariedauwer) from @CariumCares […]


A Nod To The Past Can Help Define Healthcare’s Future

March 9, 2020

Via: Forbes

In 1970, healthcare spending represented 6.9% of U.S. GDP. Last year, findings from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services showed healthcare spending in the U.S. was expected to reach $3.8 trillion, representing 17.8% of GDP. It’s a sobering figure, and […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Digital experiences have improved standard of care from clinicians

October 9, 2019


The Customer Experience and Connectivity Chasm (CECC) report highlights how digital experiences and personal health data from wearable tech and health apps are impacting healthcare providers’ standards. A grand total of 9,030 adults were surveyed from across Europe, Asia and […]


Why Hospitals Will Increasingly Embrace Telemedicine

October 9, 2018

Via: Forbes

A growing discussion about Accountable Care Organizations, which are designed to make healthcare providers accountable for patient outcomes, will hopefully keep more people out of the emergency room. Though this is promising, it’s very hard to improve outcomes especially in […]


Optimising the care pathway: a vision of connected healthcare delivery

August 2, 2018


Healthcare is going through its own digital transformation. New technology, such as wearables, telemedicine and IoT connectivity is making its way into hospitals, clinics and care homes. It is aimed at optimising care pathways to reduce average hospital stays and […]


The Changing Role of Healthcare IT and Why It Requires Automation

March 12, 2018

Via: HITECH Answers

For healthcare providers, patient experience and satisfaction are becoming increasingly important as consumers shift their approach to seeking medical care. The recent adoption of value-based care models has led consumers to shop around in order to select those healthcare providers […]


Why Artificial Intelligence Could Fail Healthcare Providers in 2018

February 28, 2018

Via: HitConsultant

Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds tremendous potential to transform care delivery by automating, augmenting and amplifying human labor in repetitive cognitive tasks. Just like any tool, however, it can be leveraged with improper or incomplete strategies and create more harm than […]


Will Robots Replace Healthcare Providers?

June 8, 2017

Via: Health IT Outcomes

Automation has been making human workers superfluous for centuries, but until recently, workers whose jobs required high-level cognitive skills have been able to rest easy, confident no machine could possibly replace them when it came to making nuanced decisions based […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Why providers should offer tools, data to help consumers make decisions

January 30, 2017

Via: Health Data Management

Every healthcare consumer faces two major decision points—what plan to choose, and how to access low cost, high-quality care when they get sick. While much has been said about plan choice, particularly with the rise of insurance exchanges, it is […]


Where he stands: Trump’s position on 5 healthcare issues

November 18, 2016

Via: Health Data Management

The president-elect’s stand on 5 key healthcare issues Donald Trump’s victory Tuesday night pushes key healthcare issues to the spotlight. So where does he stand on healthcare costs, the Affordable Care Act and other important issues? Here’s what providers need […]


Partnership Expands Digital Health Coaching, Patient Engagement

November 18, 2016

Via: Health IT Outcomes

More than three-quarters (76 percent) of adults surveyed reported they would use a health tracking device that was clinically accurate and user friendly, according to a Society for Participatory Medicine survey conducted in conjunction with health technology company biotricity. Ultimately, […]


Federal tab for insurance subsidies may boost scrutiny of provider competition

November 4, 2016

Via: Modern Healthcare

With a string of comeback wins, the Federal Trade Commission has proved it’s still capable of foiling healthcare consolidation it deems out of bounds—even though most of the deals it fights these days are wrapped in the flag of reform. […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

Has Technology Changed The Way We Interact With Each Other, Our Healthcare Providers And Healthcare Organizations?

July 20, 2016

Via: EmrAndHipaa

In this blog series, we have talked a lot about healthcare consumerism, the importance of communication in the patient/provider relationship and how embracing technology can lead to an increased patient experience. Today I want to talk about how technology is […]

Innovation, Patient Experience

The Cost of Encouraging Patient Engagement

June 16, 2016

Via: Hospital EMR and EHR

We all know that healthcare providers want to encourage patient engagement to ensure patients have the information they need to manage conditions and share information with other providers. There has been a longstanding push for the adoption and maintenance of […]


Thoughts and Recommendations on a National Health Safety Identifier

February 23, 2016

Via: Healthcare Informatics

Why do we need a national health safety identifier?  Don’t we already provide enough information to allow our healthcare providers to easily identify us when we interact with them as consumers, members, and/or patients?  If we create another identifier, won’t […]