
Tag: Healthcare Data

Innovation, Med Tech

Rethinking Big Data in 2024: How Healthcare Can Leverage Workforce Intelligence to Improve Care

December 6, 2023

Via: HitConsultant

The future of healthcare innovation over the next decade will be shaped by insights from clinician big data and AI, otherwise known as workforce intelligence. While clinical discovery is often the first thing that comes to mind, workforce data and […]


Challenges and Opportunities in Healthcare Data Security

November 29, 2023

Via: Caitlin Simmons

The confluence of healthcare and technology, epitomized by the digitization of patient records and the integration of sophisticated systems, presents a multifaceted landscape replete with challenges and opportunities in the realm of healthcare data security. Healthcare data, a repository of […]

Innovation, Med Tech

Unlocking Healthcare Data with the Power of AI

November 13, 2023

Via: Health IT Answers

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming industries across the board, and healthcare is no exception. Chatbots, predictive algorithms, robotic process automation – the hype around these emerging technologies promises a revolution in how hospitals deliver care. AI holds enormous potential to […]

Innovation, Med Tech

Three Tips for Securing Private Healthcare Data

December 15, 2022

Via: Health IT Answers

Technology is a dominant force in healthcare. During the pandemic, healthcare systems relied on technology to swiftly move to virtual care, remote work, and more collaborative communication and data management systems – and that will accelerate. As organizations speed up […]

Innovation, Med Tech

Healthcare Leads in Data Innovation, Lags in Talent Retention

October 4, 2022

Via: HitConsultant

Splunk Inc. helps organizations around the world turn data into doing. Splunk technology is designed to investigate, monitor, analyze and act on data at any scale. The global survey was conducted from May through June 2022 in partnership with the […]

Innovation, Med Tech

3 Tips for Securing Private Healthcare Data

October 4, 2022

Via: HitConsultant

Technology is a dominant force in healthcare. During the pandemic, healthcare systems relied on technology to swiftly move to virtual care, remote work, and more collaborative communication and data management systems – and that will accelerate. As organizations speed up […]


More Healthcare Data Means Growth for Switch

February 17, 2021

Via: EMR Thoughts

Healthcare applications are increasing in complexity. Health data continues to grow exponentially. To avoid being drowned in this technology deluge, healthcare providers and health IT vendors are turning to 3rd party infrastructure providers for their systems + data needs. IDC […]


5 Steps to Securing Healthcare Data and Assuring Continuity Through Crisis

June 19, 2020

Via: EMR Thoughts

It is not an overstatement to say that healthcare workers are the real heroes of the Covid-19 pandemic. Their rapid and selfless response is an incredible example of what we can achieve when good people collaborate and rise to the […]


Why Predictive Analytics is the Answer to Healthcare’s Big Data Problem

February 12, 2020

Via: EMR Thoughts

Making improvements in healthcare data analytics has the potential to lead to significant cost savings and improved patient health and wellness. We’ve identified two ways these improvements can be accomplished: Embrace an enterprise analytics strategy to process vast amounts of […]


FDA meeting to address how to modernize its data strategy

January 10, 2020

Via: Health Data Management

The Food and Drug Administration is looking for public input on the agency’s efforts to modernize its data strategy, including approaches to quality, stewardship, exchange and analytics. The FDA announced that it will conduct a public meeting on March 27 […]


Addressing Healthcare’s IT Security Oversight Challenges

December 19, 2019

Via: HitConsultant

Data theft within the healthcare sector continues to skyrocket, led by third-party data breaches and phishing attacks. Halfway through 2019, the number of patient records breached already exceeds the 2018 number by more than 10 million. Perhaps most concerning, many […]


How A Hybrid Cloud Fax Solution Protects Patient Health Information

August 12, 2019

Via: HitConsultant

Electronic health and medical records (EHRs) enhance the patient experience and improve care coordination, but they can also put patients and providers at risk if they are not protected. Security vulnerabilities can arise from communicating via unsecured channels such as […]


Families In Washington to Protect Themselves From Measles Outbreak

March 11, 2019

Via: HITECH Answers

The 21st Century Cures Act emphasizes that citizens need access to their healthcare data to empower them to make better decisions about their health and healthcare. The proposed rules recently published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) […]


How Artificial Intelligence Will Help Transform Personal Health in 2019

December 13, 2018

Via: HitConsultant

Artificial intelligence technology has made great strides in the last decade, with AI models outperforming humans in various tasks, from image recognition to election forecasting to reading comprehension. In the coming years, the range of domains in which AI excels […]


Healthcare Data As Property Can Change Everything

June 5, 2018

Via: Forbes

Remember Cambridge Analytica? It was just the tip to the data iceberg. Issues around vast data sets, advanced analytics, revenue potential and ownership are all swirling together and reaching critical mass. But let’s take a step back. Is de-identification a […]


5 Ways to Drive Healthcare Innovation That Will Deliver Better Care

April 30, 2018

Via: HitConsultant

Ensuring high-quality patient care for Americans remains a top priority for the government and health care providers alike. As such, effectively using data to better manage the healthcare system and deliver the best treatment will only become more critical — […]


Best Practices for Incident Response Plans

May 10, 2017

Via: HITECH Answers

Data breaches cost companies an average of $221 per compromised record. Heavily-regulated industries, like healthcare, tend to have per capita data breach costs substantially higher than the overall mean. In fact, according to an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) survey […]


Is Your Healthcare Data Safe? Three Questions to Ask

March 3, 2017

Via: HITECH Answers

In the all-out war for data, the healthcare industry is getting hit the hardest. Experian’s fourth annual 2017 Data Breach Industry Forecast states that healthcare organizations will be the most targeted sector for attack, with new and sophisticated attacks emerging. […]


The push for more clinical research data sharing is paying off

August 4, 2016

Via: ScienceDaily Health

In an ideal medical research landscape, clinical data would quickly be made available to all public and private researchers in the quest to speed up medical advances. The research community is getting closer to that ideal thanks, in part, to […]


HIMSS 2016: Healthcare Security For Tomorrow

February 8, 2016

Via: HITECH Answers

We’ll be talking about two different, but related topics that are front and center with every healthcare organization today: HIPAA compliance and cybersecurity. In 2005 the Office for Civil Rights, the organization responsible for HIPAA Privacy and Security Rule enforcement, […]