
Tag: healthcare budget


Healthcare Costs: More Than Just Healthcare

October 24, 2022

Via: Health IT Answers

Costs in healthcare are a frequent topic of discussion, with the focus of that discussion often going to the fact that costs keep rising. However, what is meant by healthcare costs? Once that is defined, how can healthcare costs be […]


Annual Budgets or Rolling Forecasting? Healthcare Organizations Need Both

August 25, 2020

Via: HITECH Answers

Fewer than half of healthcare organizations rely on rolling forecasts, with most favoring annual budgets instead — but COVID-19 is changing that. Drastic reductions to hospital revenue and increased costs from the pandemic have highlighted the value of rolling forecasting, […]


Trump budget provides $13 billion to combat opioid crisis

February 13, 2018

Via: Modern Healthcare

Billions will be allocated to fight the opioid epidemic under President Donald Trump’s draft 2019 budget unveiled on Monday, while funding for public health programs and agencies are slated to be slashed for a second straight year.The president’s plan calls […]