
Tag: healthcare bill


Senate healthcare bill will hurt individual market in the long run

June 29, 2017

Via: Modern Healthcare

Senate Republicans’ healthcare bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act would bolster the dwindling individual insurance market in the short term, but eventually cause enrollment to plummet, according to a report by ratings agency S&P Global. The Senate […]


Republicans struggle to agree on healthcare bill before self-imposed deadline

June 16, 2017

Via: Modern Healthcare

With the July 4 holiday recess fast approaching, divisions among Republican senators trying to craft a healthcare reform bill are becoming even more pronounced and questions are swirling on whether a bill can be finalized over the next two weeks. […]


10 ways the House healthcare bill cuts federal revenue

May 26, 2017

Via: Modern Healthcare

Congress’ nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation on Wednesday released its estimate of the revenue impact of the tax provisions in the House Republicans’ American Health Care Act. It received less attention than the Congressional Budget Office’s report on the bill’s […]