
Tag: Health tech

Innovation, Med Tech

Why an Enterprise Master Person Index is Foundational for Health Tech Innovation

May 17, 2024

Via: HitConsultant

Healthcare is poised to become the world’s fastest-growing source of data in the next year (RBC Capital Markets), accumulating from sources that are as varied as they are numerous, including hospitals, doctors’ offices, retail clinics, and wearable devices. While this […]

Innovation, Med Tech

Can Health Tech Reduce US Healthcare Spending?

July 24, 2023

Via: Health IT Answers

Projections of National Health Expenditures (NHE) and health insurance enrollment have been released for the years 2022-2031. The report contains expected impacts from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), including that people with Medicare prescription drug coverage (Part D) are projected […]

Innovation, Med Tech

Health tech companies weigh options to stem cash burn as IPO market sags

November 21, 2022

Via: Healthcare Dive

Cash-burning healthcare companies looking to go public may turn to alternative methods of funding to keep their businesses afloat amid a flagging market for initial share sales, industry analysts say. The IPO market for healthcare tech companies is facing its […]