
Tag: health spending


California Dabbles With Reining in Health Spending

June 12, 2024

Via: Kaiser Health News

California is now among the states trying to keep health-care costs down by setting spending caps — a task that pits public officials against a deeply entrenched and heavily lawyered set of players. It’s uncertain whether the state can get […]


Wasteful administrative costs tied to high US health spending

October 11, 2022

Via: Healthcare Dive

U.S. spending on healthcare administration, including billing and insurance functions, generates an estimated 15% to 30% of the nation’s total medical expenditures and has long exceeded levels spent in comparable countries, according to the health policy journal. Annual administrative spending […]


2020 Healthcare Forecast: What You Need to Know

January 10, 2020

Via: Kelly Redmond

A better future requires new strategic objectives for the healthcare system. This means that future policies may need to address problems such as pricing and inequality in medical care, and also provide patients with better choices and innovations in prevention […]


Warren says out-of-pocket health spending will total $11 trillion in the next decade. We checked her math

November 12, 2019

Via: The Medical News

Promoting her much-discussed plan to create a single-payer “Medicare for All” health system, Sen. Elizabeth Warren emphasized a striking figure. “If we make no changes over the next 10 years, Americans will reach into their pockets and pay out about […]


New research reveals the most expensive countries for healthcare

August 16, 2019

Via: The Medical News

Compared to other high-income countries, Switzerland actually spends the most on out-of-pocket healthcare when compared to the average income, new research shows. With an average annual salary equivalent of $62,283 and total voluntary/out-of-pocket health spending of $5,291.73, the Swiss are […]


Study finds U.S. healthcare would benefit from more immigrants

August 7, 2018

Via: Modern Healthcare

Opponents of increased immigration argue that migrants strain the U.S. healthcare system by driving up utilization at emergency departments and contributing to uncompensated care. But a study published Tuesday in the International Journal of Health Services finds those assertions to […]