
Tag: 2015

Med Tech

How 2015 will shape 2016 in health IT

March 23, 2016

Via: Healthcarebusinesstech

Health information technology is constantly evolving, and the obstacles and opportunities that shaped 2015 will affect 2016. Five key health IT trends that had the greatest impact on the industry in 2015 were security, moving to the cloud, a focus […]


Tiny Budgets Undercut Healthcare’s Cyber Security Efforts

January 5, 2016

Via: EmrAndHipaa

This has been a lousy year for healthcare data security — so bad a year that IBM has dubbed 2015 “The Year of The Healthcare Security Breach.” In a recent report, Big Blue noted that nearly 100 million records were […]

Innovation, Med Tech

Game-Changing Advances in Cardiology in 2015: ABSORB and TAVR

December 31, 2015

Via: MedPageToday

Bioresorbable and biodegradable technology in stents, along with iterative improvements in TAVR rounded out the top five “game-changers” in cardiology in 2015. Forty-six cardiologists responded to the question: “What is the research reported in 2015 that had the greatest impact […]


IBM Says that 2015 is the “Year of the Healthcare Breach”

December 30, 2015

Via: HITECH Answers

At the end of the year all kinds of publications and organizations publish yearly summaries to review the events of the past 12 months. Much of the time this can be positive publicity for a celebrity, firm, organization or industry. […]


Fat No Longer the Focus of New U.S. Dietary Guidelines

June 29, 2015

Via: MedlinePlus

Nutrition experts are hailing a federal decision to drop recommended restrictions on total fat consumption in the forthcoming 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Over the past decade, research has shown that a diet rich in healthy fats can be better […]