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3 Ways AI Can Reduce Relapse Rates in Behavioral Health

June 18, 2024


Relapse rates in behavioral health treatment are a persistent hurdle. Up to 80% of people with substance use disorders will relapse at some point, causing discouragement for both patients and providers. However, a new weapon is emerging in the fight for sustained recovery: Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Early Intervention: Catching Relapse Before it Starts

Videra Health, an AI-powered mental health assessment platform, highlights how AI can play a crucial role in reducing relapse rates. One key benefit is early detection. Traditional methods may miss subtle changes in a patient’s behavior or emotional state. AI, however, can analyze a combination of video, audio, and text data, spotting these early warning signs that could indicate an increased risk of relapse. This allows for earlier intervention, which is critical for preventing a full relapse episode.

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